Funding Highlights

The University of Utah’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department is deeply grateful to the alumni, corporate partners, institutions and friends whose generous support has sustained us in the past.

Sanchez Terrones Awarded for work with Tongue Cancer Patients

University of Utah electrical and computer engineering assistant professor Benjamin Sanchez Terrones has been awarded an R21 grant from the National Institute of Health for his work involving tongue cancer patients. The grant will fund a collaborative project between Sanchez Terrones and Katherine Hutcheson from the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and will also support Ph.D. student Nathan Hansen, a member of the Sanchez Terrones’ lab.

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Zhou Receives NSF Career Award

University of Utah electrical and computer engineering assistant professor Yi Zhou has received the National Science Foundation’s prestigious Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award for his research into multi-agent reinforcement learning as a framework for managing multi-agent systems that involve heterogeneous agents in complex and structured environments. Zhou is the first John and Marcia Price College of Engineering faculty member to receive an NSF career award for 2023. 

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For 128 years, the University of Utah’s College of Engineering has been the state’s premier research and educational institution for engineering and computer science. Today, the college receives a major boost.

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ECE Faculty Team awarded $400K NSF Grant

University of Utah electrical and computer engineering associate professors Rong-Rong Chen and Mingyue Ji have received a $400,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to support the development of new technologies to build smart radio environments. This grant is part of a partnership between the U.S., Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. Partners in Northern Ireland include Dr. Dmitry Zelenchuk and Dr. Muhammad Ali Babar Abbasi from Queen’s University of Belfast (QUB), and partners in the Republic of Ireland include Dr. Arman Farhang from Trinity College, Dublin (TCD).

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ECE Faculty Research Team Awarded $750K NSF Grant

University of Utah electrical and computer engineering professors Mingyue Ji, Rong-Rong Chen, and Cunxi Yu, along with University of Buffalo assistant professor Zhangyu Guan, have been awarded a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to support their research around drone and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAVs) networks. The grant, titled “Collaborative Research: SWIFT: Decentralized Intelligent Spectrum Sharing in UAV Networks (DISH-uNET) via Hardware-software Co-Design,” will allow the team to develop innovative solutions to the current challenges facing the design of wireless communication networks for decentralized networks of UAVs.

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ECE Student awarded $160k fellowship from NIH

University of Utah electrical engineering Md-Ph.D. student Michael Adkins has been awarded a $160,000 two-year fellowship from the National Institutes of Health intended to promote diversity in health-related research. This grant will allow Adkins to further his work developing an innovative medical device able to quantify the fine motor function of stroke patients.

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Huang Receives $298,814 NSF Grant

University of Utah electrical and computer engineering assistant professor Tsung-Wei Huang has received a one-year $298,814 NSF grant as part of broader $8 million investment from the National Science Foundation to support and grow sustainable, high-impact open-source projects. Huang had previously received a $488,675 NSF grant to further the development of his novel programming system, Taskflow. With this new NSF grant, he now seeks to explore three different applications of the program.

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Gao Receives Multi-Institute NSF Grant

University of Utah electrical and computer engineering assistant professor Weilu Gao has joined a multi-institute, $1.5 million Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) grant from the National Science Foundation. Gao has been awarded this grant alongside a team of researchers headed by assistant professor Geoffrey Wehmeyer of Rice University.

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George Receives $200k Grant

University of Utah electrical and computer engineering assistant professor Jacob George has received a $200,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs “Specially Adapted Housing Assistive Technology Program" to expand his lab’s thought-based control of smart-home devices for VA patients with neuromuscular disabilities.

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Huang Receives $488,675 NSF Grant

Electrical and computer engineering assistant professor Tsung-Wei Huang has received a highly competitive three-year grant from the National Science Foundation to continue developing his novel programming system, Taskflow.

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