ECE 3990 Co-op/Internship Credit Application Your InformationPlease provide your University-realted information.Full Name*Major*Pre Electrical EngineeringElectrical EngineeringPre Computer EngineeringComputer EngineeringuNID*Please replace the "u" with a 0.uNID Email Address (*Please use your email address. We can only send responses to a email address.Which Campus?*Please Choose OneSLC CampusAsia CampusCourse / Internship InfoSemester* FallSpringSummerChoose the semester for which you are registering.Year* 2021202220232024202520262027Choose the year for which you are registering.Semester in which you are actively working: (you can get credit for your summer internship in fall, if would like)* FallSpringSummerHow many hours are you requesting for the course?* 5-15 hours/week: 1 credit (max)15-30 hours/week: 2 credits (max)30+: 3 credits (max)Duration:* Part of the semesterEntire semesterChoose the semester for which you are registering.How many hours will you be working per week?*Start DateEnd DateJob Title:EmployerEmployer AddressEmployer WebsiteHourly WageSupervisor's NameSupervisor's Phone NumberSupervisor's Email AddressOtherPlease explain.Additional InformationPlease enter any additional information relevant to your request.Acknowledgements* I acknowledge that this course requires that I complete my learning objectives and remain in the position qualifying me for the course for the duration approved. I will notify the professor for the course if anything changes. I acknowledge that my supervisor will be contacted to confirm the details on this application.Job Description and Learning ObjectivesIn consultation with your Work Supervisor, plan out your duties for the semester including the main project(s) for which you will be responsible during the experiences's 13-15 weeks. Using this plan as a guideline, identify 2-4 learning objectives representing quantifiable learning outcomes that will come about as you work on this project(s). These objectives should be achievable, task-oriented goals that relate your job to your career and your education. The learning objectives MUST reflect new learning and new responsibility related to your career goals.Submit the following learning objectives: For 1 credit: 2 learning objectivesFor 2 credits: 3 learning objectivesFor 3 credits: 4 learning objectivesExample learning objectives:I will experience the project life cycle (from requirements analysis to deployment/maintenance) and learn about real world issues by doing [job] for [project name].I will be involved in helping create a comprehensive suite of unit tests for [system/project/etc].I will create a new feature to [what does it do], along with unit tests, for project [name].I will develop the low level driver software for [hardware device].File UploadDrop a file here or click to uploadChoose FileMaximum file size: 52.43MBUpload a pdf with your job description, hours per week, and learning objectives for the semester. This must be signed by your supervisor.plus1 Add Another Fileminus1 Remove CaptchaIf you are human, leave this field blank.Δ