Rajmohan Bhandari

  • Email: rajmon10@gmail.com

Design and fabrication of implantable devices, materials science and system integration

Christopher Reiche

  • Phone: 801-585-2365
  • Email: christopher.reiche@utah.edu
  • Office: SMBB 3715

Biomedical sensors and MEMS/NEMS

Yantao Fan

  • Phone: 801-213-2776
  • Email: y.fan@utah.edu
  • Office: MBB 3705

Hybrid systems biology, biosensors, microfluidic devices, lab-on-a-chip technology, 3D tissue engineering and organoid etc.

Bruce Gale

  • Phone: 801 585-5944
  • Email: gale@mech.utah.edu
  • Office: SMBB 3711


Steven Smith

  • Email: smsmith354@hotmail.com

Computational electromagnetics (e.g. Stochastic-FDTD), RF-Microwave circuit design and optimization.

Frederic Noo

  • Phone: 801-581-5347
  • Email: noo@ucair.med.utah.edu
  • Office: 729 Arapeen Way


Sandeep Negi

  • Email: s.negi@utah.edu

Develop and test (in-vivo) a chronically implantable neural recording array and provide the device to the neuroscience community upon completion of the initial technical development phase for experimental use and evaluation

Glen Morrell

  • Email: glen.morrell@hsc.utah.edu

Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research: Medical imaging, specifically MRI

Hyde Merrill

  • Email: hyde@merrillenergy.com

Cascading blackouts of the electric power system

Sneha Kasera