Hanseup Kim

  • Phone: 801-587-9497
  • Email: hanseup.kim@utah.edu
  • Office: SMBB 3709

Biological nano- and micro-systems in moving fluids for medical applications including micro- pumps and valves. System integration in robotics and energy harvesting for micro- robots, actuators, hydraulics, energy harvesting systems, and manufacturing technology

Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon

  • Phone: 801-585-3422
  • Email: pierre-emmanuel.gaillardon@utah.edu
  • Office: SMBB 3745

Development of reconfigurable logic architectures and digital circuits exploiting emerging device technologies and novel EDA techniques.

Neil Cotter

  • Phone: 801-581-8566
  • Email: necotter@ece.utah.edu
  • Office: MEB 2270

Neural networks