Before an Electrical and Computer Engineering graduate degree is awarded, a student must demonstrate that they meet the program’s proficiency requirements. This is done either by holding a prior Electrical and Computer Engineering degree from an accredited institution, or if a student has an allied STEM degree they can be admitted to the graduate program and demonstrate proficiency through completing the requirements below:

Foundational Course Prerequisites for Admission to the ECE Graduate Program

Completion of each of the following with a B grade or higher:


Calculus I & II

University of Utah Equivalents*:
MATH 1210 and
MATH 1220


Physics I & II

University of Utah Equivalents*:
PHYS 2200 + 2215 and
PHYS 2220 + 2225


Intro to Circuits or Electronics, ECE for Non-Majors, etc.

University of Utah Equivalents*
ECE 2200 + 2210 | 2240 | 2280 | 3700

*See University Course Comparisons or meet with the Graduate Student Coordinator to review your transcription for possible alternatives. Individuals who have not taken a basic electrical course are strongly recommended to study the materials for ECE 1240 [available via public-access] to gain content knowledge in basic electric circuits.

If an individual has completed the foundational prerequisite courses:

Individuals can directly apply to the ECE Graduate Program but will need to complete proficiency requirements as part of their degree (see section below). Applicants are strongly recommended to meet with an ECE member of their committee (see MS Areas of Emphasis and Default Committees). The purpose of this is to discuss additional courses that may be beneficial to meet student goals.

If an individual has earned a prior STEM degree, but has not completed all of the prerequisites:

Individuals should meet with sub-area committee chair to determine which courses would be important prerequisites to be able to succeed in their desired courses. Once this discussion has taken place, then it can be determined whether they are eligible for admittance or must take undergraduate courses as a non-matriculated student.

Graduate Proficiency Requirement - Update Beginning Spring 2025

Students must take a graduate-level course from at least two areas of emphasis. Students must complete these courses with a B grade or higher. Courses taken for proficiency will also count towards a student’s graduate degree credit total.

Area of Emphasis Course Numbering
Solid State / MEMS X2xx
Electromagnetics X3xx
Optics & Optoelectronics X4xx
Signals & Systems X5xx
Power, Control, & Robotics X6xx
Circuits & VLSI X7xx
Computer Engineering X8xx

Requirements Prior to Spring 2025

Option 1: Complete a proficiency course from the list below with a B grade or higher

– Courses taken at another university may be considered, students must submit a transcript and a course syllabus (unless listed on the Utah Universities Course Comparison list) to the Graduate Student Coordinator

– Students choosing to take graduate level proficiency courses may be granted access to the prerequisite undergraduate level Canvas course pages and materials to aid them in their preparation. Please make arrangements through the Graduate Student Coordinator; do not contact faculty.

– Undergraduate courses are not covered by tuition benefits. Students in the TBP should use option 2.

Option 2: Pass all of the exams in an undergraduate (*) proficiency course from the list below with a B grade or higher

– Students who wish to meet the proficiency requirement through undergraduate courses are encouraged to schedule a time to take the necessary quizzes, midterms or finals of the undergraduate course.

– Students will not need to officially register/enroll in the class and may be granted access to the Canvas course page to study and prepare for the exams.

– Please make arrangements through the Graduate Student Coordinator; do not contact faculty.

Proficiency Areas and Courses

Students must fulfill both area requirements to be considered proficient. Graduate level proficiency courses are encouraged as they can count on a graduate student’s Program of Study and fulfill additional degree requirements.

 Area 1: Circuits – Electronics – Semiconductors
Complete 1 of the following options

ECE 2280* – Circuits and Systems: Active
ECE 3200* – Introduction to Semiconductor Device Physics
ECE 5201 – Physics of Nano-Electronics and Related Devices
ECE 5780/ECE 6780 – Embedded System Design
CS/ECE 6810 – Computer Architecture – for CE track only

Area 2: Electromagnetic Fields – Systems – Power
Complete 1 of the following options

ECE 3300* – Fundamentals of Electromagnetics
ECE 3500* – Fundamentals of Signals and Systems
ECE 3600* – Introduction to Electric Power Engineering
ECE 3610* – Fundamentals of Robotics and Cyberphysical Systems
ECE 5320/ECE 6322 – Microwave Engineering I
ECE 5321/ECE 6323 – Microwave Engineering II
ECE 5324 – Antenna Theory and Design
ECE 5410 – Optics I
ECE 5412 – Optics II
ECE 5510 – Random Processes
ECE 5520 – Digital Communication Systems
ECE 5530/ECE 6530 – Digital Signal Processing
ECE 5615/6615 – Classical Control Systems – Starting Spring 2025
ECE 5620 – Power Systems Analysis
ECE 5652/ECE 6652 – Linear Systems and State-Space Control
ECE 6310 – Advanced Electromagnetic Fields