Online ECE Directory
The faculty for the University of Utah MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering operate on the frontiers of their specialties. They are active researchers – and in many cases entrepreneurs – who pave the way for theoretical innovations and practical applications in their respective fields. They lead teams exploring areas like high-performance computing, digital signal processing, nanotechnology, and wireless microsystems. The instructors in the online MSECE program are the same world-class faculty who teach on-campus courses at Utah. Their experience with the real-world applications of engineering concepts inform high-quality online lectures and individualized mentorship. Students benefit from small classes with opportunities for one-on-one meetings with highly knowledgeable faculty. The ECE faculty engage with students’ individual projects and research interests, guiding them toward achieving professional excellence and finding commercial applications for their ideas.

John Bolke
Tuition Benefits
Academic Advising Coordinator
- Phone: 801-581-6943
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2262

Liz Rowberry
BS/MS, MS, & PhD in ECE; Graduate Admissions
Graduate Student Coordinator
- Phone: 801-587-9710
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2266B
Rong Rong Chen
Associate Professor
- Phone: 801-585-7367
- Email:
- Office: MEB 3106
- Website: Prof. Chen's Profile
Signal processing and communication systems: efficient utilization of multiple antennas for high-rate communications in wireless networks, statistical detection methods for underwater acoustic communications, and other fields related to communication systems and statistical signal processing.
Behrouz Farhang
- Phone: 801-587-7959
- Email:
- Office: MEB 3240
- Website: Prof. Farhang's Profile
Filter bank multicarrier communications for underwater acoustic channels, cognitive radios, and multiple access networks; detection algorithms for MIMO and OFDM; implementations on hardware platforms.
Cynthia Furse
Director of Graduate Studies, ACES Fellow
Distinguished Professor
- Phone: 801-585-7234
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2280
- Website: Prof. Furse's Profile
Electromagnetics, Intermittent fault location for aircraft wiring, antenna design and optimization, communications, bioelectromagnetics, and engineering education.
Hanseup Kim
Department Chair; Director, Utah Nanofab; H. Kent Bowen Endowed Professor
USTAR Professor
- Phone: 801-587-9497
- Email:
- Office: SMBB 3709
- Website: Prof. Kim's Profile
Biological nano- and micro-systems in moving fluids for medical applications including micro- pumps and valves. System integration in robotics and energy harvesting for micro- robots, actuators, hydraulics, energy harvesting systems, and manufacturing technology
Rajesh Menon
USTAR Professor
- Phone: 801-585-1058
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2256
- Website: Prof. Menon's Profile
Optics and nanotechnology: absorbance modulation optical lithography, patterning via optical saturable transitions, optical nanoscopy, and ultra-high frequency solar energy via a nanostructured polychromatic concentrator
Neda Nategh
Associate Professor
- Phone: 801-213-3675
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2220
- Website: Prof. Nategh's Profile
Visual computation and computational vision: Research in our lab employs an interdisciplinary approach to understand the real-time, robust, and efficient visual computations performed by our natural vision and to translate this knowledge into computational vision frameworks for machine vision applications, artificial vision solutions, and imaging systems.

John Palmer
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
- Phone: 801-581-7350
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2130
Power System Protection: cause and origin analysis of electrical accidents, electrical equipment failures, electrical fires, structural fires, vehicle fires, and explosions
Masood Parvania
Roger P. Webb Endowed Associate Professor
- Phone: 801-585-0030
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2222
- Website: Prof. Parvania's Profile
Operation and planning of cyber-physical power and energy systems, with emphasis on the modeling and integration of distributed energy resources, as well as sustainable renewable energy integration
Mike Scarpulla
- Phone: 801-585-1231
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2138
- Website: Prof. Scarpulla's Profile
Semiconductors and photovoltaics: earth-abundant, benign compound semiconductors for thin film photovoltaics such as Cu2ZnSnS4. Other sulfide semiconductors for PV, light management for thin film PV, CIGS, laser processing of semiconductors, and the physics of semiconductor alloys and transition metal and rare earth additions to semiconductors.
David Schurig
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Associate Professor
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2274
- Website: Prof. Schurig's Profile
Metamaterials: Design, analysis and fabrication of metamaterials in frequency ranges from megahertz to petahertz. Transformation design of devices implementable with metamaterials. Applications include: remote sensing, near-field imaging, biological imaging, implantable devices, electro-mechanical devices and invisibility cloaking.
Florian Solzbacher
Gerald and Barbara Stringfellow Endowed Professor
- Phone: 801-581-6942
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2110C
- Website: Prof. Solzbacher's Profile
Harsh Environment MEMS, including: materials (SiC (on Si), SOI, GaN), metallisation systems for high temperatures and aggressive ambient conditions, and silicon fusion bonding and packaging issues
Armin Tajalli
Associate Professor
- Phone: 801-581-4840
- Email:
- Office: MEB 2224
- Website: Prof. Tajalli's Profile
Integrated wireline and wireless systems, energy-efficient integrated systems, high-speed wireline systems, RF circuits, data converters, phase-locked loops and frequency synthesisers, analog integrated circuits, extremely low power integrated systems
Tolga Tasdizen
Associate Chair, USTAR Professor
- Phone: 801-581-3539
- Email:
- Office: WEB 4893
- Website: Prof. Tasdizen's Profile
Image processing and pattern recognition, specifically: geometry-based and statistics-based methods for image filtering, segmentation and feature extraction using high-order partial differential equations for image and surface reconstruction; applying these methods to problems in biomedical imaging, particularly neural circuit reconstruction from very large-scale microscopy image datasets
Darrin Young
USTAR Associate Professor
- Phone: 801-581-6512
- Email:
- Office: SMBB 3741
- Website: Prof. Young's Profile
Low-power integrated circuits design coupled with MEMS-based sensing systems for wearable sensing, biomedical implant, environmental sensing, power transfer, RF communication, and general industrial sensing applications
Optics / Optoelectronics
Dr. Rajesh Menon
Upcoming Projects: Deep-Neural Networks for Next-generation Imaging